RF subsystems used in communications systems include power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers and digital communications control circuitry. Rogers’ innovative materials enable advances in RF and microwave technology and optimize the performance of microwave communications systems. For advanced microwave applications, high-frequency laminates offer more than just low loss; they provide very well-controlled dielectric constant. In many RF subsystem applications, the control of dielectric constant for the material can be as critical as substrate thickness control. When dielectric constant control is a critical concern, high-frequency materials outperform FR-4 materials.
Rogers has long been the industry leader in providing materials for RF and advanced microwave power amplifiers. Literally millions of power amplifiers designed on Rogers’ laminates have been operating in the field reliably year after year. Low loss, high thermal conductivity, stability over temperature and excellent long term aging characteristics under heat provide the efficiency and maximum power output possible.
Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) need to operate efficiently across a wide range of challenging environmental conditions. Rogers’ low loss, thermally stable RF materials help to achieve optimal performance in demanding environments.
For advanced microwave communications systems, precision circuitry is required to maintain the integrity of high-speed signals. Rogers’ extremely low loss materials support faster switching, higher data rates and lower crosstalk. Low dielectric constant, low loss tangent composites and low conductor loss rolled copper enable technology performance up to 100 Gbps. Rogers’ composites are designed for skew reduction through the use of both flat glass and relatively lower fiberglass content.