Investor Relations is available by phone at 480.917.6026 or by e-mail at Investor.Relations@RogersCorporation.com.
Rogers Corporation's common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ROG. At present, we do not offer a direct stock purchase plan. All stock purchases must be made through the investment community. Rogers Corporation does not currently pay cash dividends on its common stock.
Our fiscal year ends the last day of the calendar year.
You can buy shares of Rogers' stock through a brokerage firm. Rogers does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
Information about upcoming conference calls is available on the Investor Relations homepage, approximately one week prior to the earnings release date. Audio from prior calls is available on the Quarterly Results page.
Shareholders who wish to change the name or address on their record of stock ownership, report lost certificates, consolidate accounts or make other inquiries relating to stock certificates should contact our transfer agent:
Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
P.O. Box 43006
Providence RI 02940-3006
Phone: 800.962.4284
Website: www.computershare.com